Caiman Bursts 5-Feet Out Of The Water & Snatches Low Flying Drone

Caiman drone

This has to be the clearest, most obvious request of “please no pictures or videos” the world has ever seen.

I guess we’re all used to drones at this point, and the technology around the flying devices is only going to get better as time goes on. This drone owner might suggest that an “emergency wildlife avoidance” feature be added to drones in the near future, though it’s too late for the drone featured in this video.

There are all kinds of rules and regulations that limit how far or how high a drone can fly. However, you can’t legally enforce “common sense,” and this drone operator could have used some brain power to avoid this caiman (which is basically a smaller alligator).

It appears that the person flying it was trying to get up close and personal with the caiman to get some unique footage, but just like the mythical story of Icarus and the sun, they got too close and ended up paying the price.

As the drone floats a couple feet above the water, the caiman comes swimming right up underneath it to check it out. And by “checking it out,” I mean that the reptile is plotting on how to bring the thing down into its watery grave.

The flying device pulls up a bit to try and put some distance between itself and the caiman, but it proves to not be enough. In the blink of an eye, the caiman uses its tail to propel itself 5-feet out of the water, and as it soars through the air, it snatches the drone with its teeth and pulls it down into the water.

The footage quickly cuts off, but we still get to see the action long enough to know that the drone is done for, and that nature is still undefeated, no matter what kind of flying technology you throw at it.

Take a look:

X users (formerly Twitter users) were amazed by the caiman’s athleticism, and loved that it took care of the drone that was bothering it with ease:

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock