Tuna Fisherman Hilariously Takes “Catch And Release” To A Whole New Level

Tuna slam
Barstool Outdoors

Look at that release.

It definitely isn’t a textbook release, but it will work.

What’s not to love here? Just some folks out fishing and making memories they will never forget.

Being on the water can lead to some wild ideas. Of course, since it is the perfect place to have a few cold ones, those ideas can really get to flowing like wine.

Tuna fishing is some of the best out there. Who doesn’t love catching great big and tasty fish? I know I certainly do.

Bluefin tuna can be the largest out there weighing over 1,500 pounds and measuring 15 feet long so fishing for something that even has a chance of getting half that big is a thrill on its own.

These folks clearly were having themselves a good time.

The boat hooked into some fish when one of the boys wanted to have some fun.

A fisherman is seen on the boat making his way to the side to release his freshly caught yellowfin tuna. Instead of reaching over and letting it go the man decides to deliver the fish right into the water himself.

He takes a leap and goes underwater, coming up with no fish. A successful release and it got everyone going…ya gotta love it.

Is it obnoxious? Sure. Will it harm the fish? No. Do I want to fish with this guy? Yeah, probably… he catches a TON:

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock