George Strait Earns Three New Platinum Certifications For His Classics “Troubadour,” “Amarillo By Morning” & “Ocean Front Property”

George Strait country music
Rich Fury/ACMA2019/Getty Images

They don’t call him The King for nothin’.

George Strait earned three new RIAA certifications today, for three of his all-time classic including “Troubadour,” “Amarillo By Morning,” and “Ocean Front Property.”

They were certified 3x Platinum, 3x Platinum and Platinum, respectively.

3x Platinum means the two songs have moved over three million units since their release, with Platinum meaning the song has moved over one million units since its release.

Suffice all that to say, he’s sold a helluva lot of records, and clearly these songs have stood the test of time and remain fan-favorites to this day:


George Strait country music

“Troubadour” was the title track to his 25th, 2008 studio album, “Amarillo By Morning” was released in 1982, ultimately becoming a hit from his Strait from the Heart record and one of his signature tunes, and “Ocean Front Property” was the title track to his 1987 7th studio album, which was his first to debut at #1 on the Billboard Top Country Albums Chart.

And while it would be nearly impossible to narrow down The King’s vast catalog to just a handful of my favorites, these three would definitely be up high on the list.

I mean, talk about some all-time classic country songs…

“Amarillo By Morning”


“Ocean Front Property”

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock