Randy Rogers Recalls Telling George Strait He Liked His “Rosé” Brand Instead Of Rosa Tequila: “He Just Rolled His Eyes And Walked Off”

Bob Levey/Scott Legato/Getty Images

Note to self: do not get your alcohols confused when making small talk with The King.

And if I’m ever lucky enough in my life to find myself in that situation, it will certainly be at the forefront of my mind now…

Randy Rogers told Tracy Lawrence a great story about his own mistake doing so on an episode of TL’s Road House podcast, which airs in-full tomorrow.

He started off by detailing what an incredible accomplishment it was for him to get to open for Willie Nelson and George Strait at the opening of the new Moody Center in Austin, Texas last May:

“Like, the show of my life, George Strait Willie Nelson opener in Austin, Texas, band new arena. Two nights, Friday and Saturday.

Saturday night I got done and I laid on the floor and I cried, like, if you would’ve told 15 year old me that was gonna happen one day…

I’m a 44 year old man, and I was moved. I was nervous, like it was just so great to have that feeling.”

Tracy added that he even still gets nervous around The King, which led Randy to tell a great story that took place at George’s annual Valqueros del Mar golf benefit quite a few years ago.

Randy recalled being nervous and trying to make conversation with George:

“We do his golf tournament every year in Valqueros del Mar, it’s for the wounded warriors, and it’s such a great event.

It’s a long event, it starts Sunday, you don’t leave until Wednesday, and there’s Código on every hole, right… it’s just tequila heaven, constantly.”

Sounds like my kind of golf tournament…

But there was one small detail Randy had confused.

Código is George’s tequila brand, which hit the market back in 2017, and I’ve heard that it’s some of the best stuff out there. I haven’t been able to get my hands on any quite yet, but Randy told Tracy he loved it so much that he wanted to tell George himself.

The only problem is, he told George he loved the “rosé” wine, when he really meant the “Rosa” tequila:

“I remember, I walked up to him one tournament and I was like, ‘Hey, George.’ Cuz I don’t know what to say to George, right.

I’m like, ‘Hey, man, I really like your tequila. The rosé.’ And he goes, ‘It’s Rosa, Randy.’ Just rolled his eyes and walked off. And I was ‘Shit. I’m stupid.’

There was my moment… there was my moment, and I just blew it. That’s what’s cool about George, he just rolled his eyes and walked off.”

I think I would crawl into whatever hole they were on during the tournament and never want to be seen again…

I don’t know how you ever truly recover from that, but at least it sounds like Randy can see the humor in it now.

And it also sounds like George wasn’t too offended by the comment, seeing as he had the Randy Rogers Band open for him at the aforementioned Moody Center opening last year.

You can check out Randy tell the full story here, and it’s well-worth it:

How about a little bit of Randy Rogers Band covering George’s hit single “Wrapped”:

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock