Somebody Called 911 Over Kentucky Homeowner’s Incredible “Cousin Eddie” Christmas Display

Christmas vacation

I think I speak for everybody when I say that cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation is by far the most quotable character in any Christmas movie ever, and that’s saying a lot.

Needless to say, Randy Quaid outdid himself on this one.

With sayings like:

“You serious, Clark?”

“That’s the gift that keeps on givin’.”

“Aw he’s just yackin’ on a bone.”

“If that thing had nine lives, she just spent ’em all.”

If you’ve never seen this movie and don’t know the context, I suggest you give it a watch as soon as possible. Top five Christmas movies of all time, no doubt, but arguably the best.

But perhaps there isn’t a better part of the movie, than when cousin Eddie is out on the front lawn in a robe with no pants, emptying his septic system from their RV.

And that’s when he says the most iconic line of all:

“Shitter’s full.”

With that being said, some genius in the Dogwood subdivision of Shepherdsville, Kentucky, decided to recreate the hilarious scene with a mannequin in their front yard.

But, unfortunately, there’s a few Karens who don’t get the joke, and thought it was an actual person and alerted the authorities, according to the Daily Herald.

Apparently the call to 911 went a little something like this:

“A male standing outside. He is naked. He has a robe covering part of his body. He is exposing himself, and he has a hose between his legs.”

Homeowner Joni Keeney thought it would be a hilarious idea (as she should).

She told the outlet:

“Everybody has a Cousin Eddie… I just want people to have a good Christmas and get a laugh.”

Don’t let the haters get to ya, Joni.

This is masterful work, and the best Christmas display I’ve seen all winter.

And just incase you wanted to relive the whole scene:

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock