Luke Bryan Answers Relationship Advice Questions… Roasting Himself In The Process

Luke Bryan country music

I have ended up on a Luke Bryan side of TikTok…. couldn’t tell ya’ll what got me here or what their algorithm is trying to say to me.

This past weekend, Two Step Inn was taking place in Texas, and Country Thunder Arizona was taking place.

A Seattle radio station, 100.7 The Wolf, sent one of their hosts to the festival for coverage, and her short question-and-answer videos with artists have been all over my for you page.

Some of my favorites have been with Luke Bryan… it is chaotic and hilarious.

Gabe Mercer is behind the mic and warms Luke Bryan up with a simple relationship question.

“What is your number one marriage advice?”

To which he responds:

“Ooohhh, keep the fights clean and the sex dirty.”

@itsgabemercer “Perfect” 😂 #lukebryan ♬ original sound – Gabe

Alright…seems like he’s got the happy wife, happy life thing figured out, and that’s an answer he gave years back when asked a similar question.

The next question truly made me belly laugh. Gabe tee’s up another relationship-based question, and Luke too quickly has an answer that applies DIRECTLY to himself.

“Alright, Luke Bryan, what is the number one red flag to look for in a guy?”

Immediately he responds:

“I almost said skinny jeans…”

And he lets out the best laugh I’ve heard in a long time. I mean, he is cracking himself up at the response, knowing damn well that he sports some skinny jeans more often times than not.

He quickly readjusts his answer to:

“Credit card usage… cash, baby.” 

@itsgabemercer Crying 😂 @lukebryan ♬ original sound – Gabe

Fans took to the comments with even more hilarious comments.

“He really said himself.” 

“Saw that coming from a mile away LMAO.”

“What’s the difference between my hotel room and Luke Bryan’s jeans? There’s no ball room” -Blake Shelton. “

I mean, either one, I’d say, is a red flag, but thank you, Luke Bryan, for taking the time to acknowledge your jean choices are sometimes questionable.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock