Colter Wall’s 2017 Paste Studios Set Simply Never Gets Old

Colter Wall country music

Paste Studio sessions are an actual work of art… the perfect blend of interviewing, acoustic tunes, and excellent videography.

Colter Wall’s is one of my favorite sessions to date.

It’s no secret that Colter has done some great YouTube video sessions, like his famous Original 16 Brewery Sessions from 2017.

If you missed them, though (judging you slightly if you nodded your head yes), check out this performance of “Kate McCannon.”

I know these videos were my first proper exposure to him, and I went on a deep dive shortly after watching a few of these videos, which led me to his Paste Studios session.

Also filmed in 2017 but slightly earlier in the year, this video lets you see Colter for Colter, beyond his thick deep vocals. Shot right after the release of his self-titled album Colter Wall, hearing their acoustic version so shortly after gives them so much dimension.

He played “Thirteen Silver Dollars,” “Motorcycle,” “Kate McCannon,” and “Snake Mountain Blues.”

Between each song, you get to hear about how he tries to pull inspiration from real-life experiences for his lyrics, learning about his upbringing in Canada and what was then on the horizon.

Fast forward five years from this shoot date, and he is a country music sensation.

I sincerely mean it when I say I can watch this video repeatedly, a genuinely timeless performance.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock