Guy Pranks His Dad Into Believing There’s A Lawn Mowing Ban On Sundays: “Tell Them To F*ck Off… They Can Fine Me”

dad prank

Every dad’s worst nightmare…

I mean, is there anything better than waking up on a Sunday morning, pouring a hot cup of coffee, and heading out to the garage to figure out what chores you’re gonna tackle today?

The lawn is an obvious one, and if you start by 10am, you’ll be pulling that baby back into the garage (or barn) just in time to grab a cold one out of the holy garage beer fridge, kick those green grass stained New Balance sneakers off at the door, and plop down on the coach for an afternoon of football.

That’s good clean living.

But what if that lawn mowing was made illegal?

I know, I know… what kind of sick SOB would do such a thing?

Apparently this kid…

Of course, it was just a prank on dear ol’ dad, but he wasn’t having any of it. Take away Sunday lawn mowing? Over my dead body…

“Tell ’em the f*ck off… they can f*ckin’ shove it up their ass. 

So in mid summer you’re not gonna be allowed to mow on Sunday? They can f*ck off, they can fine me.

You’re f*cking kidding me.”

What a legend.

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A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock