Mountain Biker Nearly Collides With Black Bear On Backcountry Trail

Mountain bike bear

Philippe Schlesser was recently enjoying a peaceful trail ride on his mountain bike in the backcountry of British Columbia.

The area near Kamloops, B.C. is known for the beautiful alpine scenery, so the biker was capturing his ride on camera. While moving along the trail, he soon found himself on a collision course with a black bear though.

As Schlesser hurdles around the trail, a black bear is scene flying into the scene on the trail in front of him. He let out a loud “whoa!” as soon as he noticed he came within inches of colliding with a moving bear.

The bear simultaneously slammed on the brakes, turned around, and ducked back into the tall grass from which it emerged.

Schlesser hit the brakes after dodging the bear as well, and even growled towards the bear in an effort to scare it off.

According to USA Today, the situation did not escalate beyond the initial encounter:

“Looking at the footage later on, I noticed that the bear was running parallel with my direction.

 I got scared, the bear got scared, and we both went our separate ways.”

Black Bear Chases Biker Down The Side Of A Mountain

You may have seen a post earlier this week with footage of a curious black bear casually following a jogger in Teton National Park.

The man’s poise and ability to remain calm and move slow likely prevented the bear’s predatory instincts from being sparked. Had he panicked and ran away, it could have very well caused the bear to chase him down.

A bear chase is just what happened in another video however, captured in Montana, where a mountain biker cruising down the slopes caught the attention of another black bear who proceeded to follow behind at full speed.

“A quick reminder that Montana is not Disney Land… Black bear chasing a downhill mountain biker in Whitefish.”

And it looks like that bruin meant business.

Racing a bear down a mountain on a bike? Gonna be a no from me dawg…

Black Bear Chills In A Hot Tub In Gatlinburg

This bear is living his best life.

Todd Trebony, a Georgia doctor vacationing at a cabin in the Smoky Mountains of Gatlinburg, Tennessee got an unexpected visitor recently when a black bear stopped by to enjoy the hot tub.

Tell me that’s not the most relaxed bear you’ve ever seen in your life. That’s the kind of relaxation I’m aiming for in 2022.

With everything else going on, all I want to do is slip into a hot tub out in the mountains and not give a damn about anything else.

Just zero effs given. I love it.

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