42 Signs You Were Raised In A Small Town With Nothing To Do

A windmill and a water tower

Small Town, America.

It can teach you a lot, it can also be incredibly boring at times. That’s the beauty of it. Whether you couldn’t wait to leave or stayed, you’ll find these 42 things to be true if you were born and raised in one of those small towns with not much to do.

1. When people ask where you’re from, you just say the nearest big town because they never heard of where you actually grew up.

2. You can’t leave the house without running into at least 5 people you know.

3. Hanging out in some store parking lot was an acceptable form of entertainment at one point in your life.

4. Your teachers always knew you through your older brother/sister and would often call you their name.

5. You wave to people driving by, whether you know them or not.

6. If you’re not at the football game on Friday night, then you’re probably the only one.

7. Parallel parking in drivers ed class was a joke. Mostly because you couldn’t find a place to do it.

8. You know what FFA stands for (or used to).

9. First day of hunting season was a school recognized holiday.

10. Getting a new kid at school was HUGE news.

11. You detasseled corn as soon as you were old enough to reach it.

12. Chances are one of your friends is either A.) married to your ex or B.) married to your sister, brother, cousin etc…

13. You give directions based on local landmarks.

14. If there was a family crisis, multiple people would bring you food.

15. Country music speaks to your soul.

16. The nearest “nice” restaurant is at least a 20 mile drive and might be Applebee’s.

A sign on the street
dcwcreations / Shutterstock

17. Your kindergarten class was the same as your high school graduating class.

18. You rarely made sure your front door was locked, or car door.

19. Dating someone from another school was “cool,” unless you were a guy and didn’t get why she had to go to another school for a boyfriend.

20. Your high school parties were in one of three places: bonfire in a field, barn, or someone’s garage.

21. You really did just drive around because there wasn’t shit to do.

22. You waited all year for your local town festival.

23. You made the local newspaper like 349 times during high school for pretty mundane things.

24. If you got pulled over for speeding, your coach would hear about it and you’d make it up in practice.

25. You know what Brad Paisley means when he’d like to check you for “ticks.”

26. You’ve had to slow down for a tractor and it didn’t give you road rage.

27. You’ve been muddin’ at some point in your life.

28. There is no such thing as a secret. If you did something Friday night, everyone would know by the end of first period on Monday.

29. Going shopping was quite the excursion because the nearest mall was an hour away.

30. Some of the “cool kids” and star athletes in high school now might be working at a gas station.

31. Your high school reunion is pretty much a regular Saturday night.

32. Driving in the city pisses you off.

33. If somebody doesn’t know who George Strait is, they have to leave town.

34. Most of your family’s money was spent at Wal-Mart.

35. Your school bus consisted of kids age 5-18.

36. You can find just about anything for sale in the newspaper.

37. Hick, redneck, hillbilly etc… are all terms of endearment.

38. You know what “Bless your heart” really means.

39. Cows don’t tip over…

40. People you went to school with looked like construction workers, farmers, or Kid Rock.

41. Even if your hometown sucked, “My Town” by Montgomery Gentry still gets your FIRED UP.

42. Last but not least, you appreciate the simple things in life such as getting way too drunk at Applebee’s.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock