A pair of white cans with blue text on them
Whiskey Riff

An Official White Castle Beer Is In The Works, I Repeat, An Official White Castle Beer

This is not a drill people. I repeat, this is not a drill.

Pennsylvania’s Weyerbacher Brewing Company has undergone some pretty heavy blows as of late, even filing bankruptcy earlier this year. Yet, as the old proverb goes, “in order to rise from its own ashes, a Phoenix first must burn,” and burn they did. However now, they rise from their own ashes in partnership with White Castle to bring ice cold beer to roughly 400 locations across 13 different states.

That’s right, we’re talking about White Castle Beer, both in White Castle restaurants and grocery stores.

“We’ve got a lot of good stuff on the horizon,” chief operating officer Josh Lampe told Brewbound. “We did a pilot brew for them, a kölsch that they loved, so that’s gonna be the first beer. It goes well with burgers.”

Do you know how many times I’ve drunkenly purchased those frozen White Castle sliders? More times than I’m willing to admit. Ok, maybe like 4 or 5… or 10… 20 tops. Although they pale in comparison to the real thing, they’re still oddly satisfying after you’ve had 13 Busch Lattes on a Thursday night.

Anyways, the point is, much like the way that Shake Shack & Taco Bell serve beer, you’re going to be able to pick yourself up a Crave Case at your local White Castle and, AND, a case of cold beer to help you wash it down. Smoke a joint, head over to White Castle, pound some sliders, drink a beer… if I’m on death row, that arrangement is definitely on my short list of last meals.

Just saying.

A kitchen with a sink and a toaster oven

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock